GRACE Nursery Policies and Procedures

At GRACE, we offer childcare during our worship services for all children below first grade. First time visitors should check-in at the infant/toddler room. Once you are in our system, you can use the self check-in computer by the restrooms, or visit the infant/toddler room and a coordinator will check you in. When you check-in, you will receive a name tag sticker that should be placed on your child’s back, which will display your information and any allergies or special needs your child may have, as well as a claim tag that you will show the childcare worker when you return to pick up your child. This is to ensure your child’s safety by making sure they only leave the classroom with you, the parent. If, while in the nursery, your child is upset for more than 15 minutes or becomes ill during the service, we will contact you by phone.

Please label all items you leave with your child in the classroom. We ask that you do not bring toys from home and that you do provide diapers and a change of clothes for children who are not potty-trained in case of an accident.

We have small nursing area attached to the infant room if you need that space, and we also have an on-call team (Indispensable Ones) to assist with children who have special needs. All of our paid workers and volunteers have been background-checked to ensure your child’s security in the classroom. We are here to serve you and your child and are happy to hear how we can help your child have a fun and safe experience at GRACE!

If you have any questions about our nursery and its policies and procedures or would like more information about our child protection policy, please click here or ask when you visit!

OUR nursery wellness policy

In order to protect your child’s health, only well children will be allowed in the nursery. Please keep your child home if they have had any of the following symptoms within 24 hours:

  • Fever, vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Yellow/green discharge from nose or eyes

  • Heavy, clear discharge from nose

  • Chest congestion or cough

  • Rashes, blisters or boils

  • Irritability or unusual crankiness