The children’s ministry of GRACE exists to ASSIST PARENTS to nurture in children a love of Jesus, a deep reliance on the Gospel of Grace, and a life of joyful worship and witness!


At GRACE, we desire that our children will see Jesus as the one and only Savior. All of our instruction is God-centered and gospel-saturated, as well as interactive and engaging. Each week our children are taught in Sunday Morning Bible Studies during the Sunday School hour. Each curriculum seeks to holistically engage the head, heart and hands with the hope of Jesus. We also participate in various service projects in our church and community with the purpose of encouraging a mission-centered mindset.

Our Indispensable Ones Ministry’s on-call team assist with any children who have special needs. This ministry seeks to equip, connect, and serve children and their families impacted by disabilities. We want to ensure that every child at Grace is given the opportunity to hear about the Lord, and will strive to do whatever it takes to accomplish this endeavor.

If you have any questions about our Children’s Ministry or would like more information, please let us know! We look forward to serving you and your child!


First time visitors, please check in at the welcome center in our nursery.